Tuesday, July 21, 2009

felicia my felicia it was like yesterday when we left the mall after shopping w/ ma for her birthday. never would i have thought that, that would be one of the last moments we shared....lord knows i miss u and think about u daily. u motivate me to do whats right and to b an example for younger girls. i miss u so much it makes me sick at time...(and ppl wonder y i cant gain no weight? lol) but they dont know the hurt i feel just remembering the day u walked away from the car and said u would be right back. u never came. n thats what i cant get passd i was waiting to c your face but i know soon i will see u for a lifetime.....i miss u and love u and im a end this here b4 i cry! lovn u always yo lil sis fana

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Felicia Martinez
July 11, 1975-April 10, 1997
If our Pooh would have lived through the horrific events that robbed her of her life on April 10, 1997, she would have seen the thirty-fourth year of her life this year. Even though she is not here, we as her family, still celebrate the moments that we all shared. Especially the day she was sent to us. Felicia, we love you and we will never forget the moments you were here with us and the joy that your spirit shined upon us all. Happy Birthday, sweet Pooh. Love, Kisses, and Hugs from us all.
-Your Family.


Felix & Felicia

Felicia, looking gorgeous with a friend.

July 11, 1995.( from left to right) Jeannie & Felicia