Thursday, July 9, 2009

Felicia Martinez
July 11, 1975-April 10, 1997
If our Pooh would have lived through the horrific events that robbed her of her life on April 10, 1997, she would have seen the thirty-fourth year of her life this year. Even though she is not here, we as her family, still celebrate the moments that we all shared. Especially the day she was sent to us. Felicia, we love you and we will never forget the moments you were here with us and the joy that your spirit shined upon us all. Happy Birthday, sweet Pooh. Love, Kisses, and Hugs from us all.
-Your Family.


  1. we love you Felicia , our sweet cousin , R.I.P

  2. I just learned of her horrific death at the 20 year class reunion last night. My belated condolences. Very sad news, Felicia deserved a long happy life and is certainly missed.

    1. Thank u fo ur thoughts... Love Felicia sisters

  3. Still missing U big sister..u will live through me and I through u. Mommy passed so did Gma but I'm sure yall up there having a ball. I'm married now almost 10yrs.. U have 5 nieces and nephews but I'm sure ur watching over each one.. Rasha she's good she's the momma now and Beverly is all grown up. Love U sister more than a fat kid loves cake. It still hurts errday but save me a spot BC what I do know is we shall meet again until rest easy queen!!! Fana

  4. I really wish I could’ve met you. I feel we would’ve been two peas in a pod! Love you Felicia 😍 Give mom and grandma a kiss for me

  5. Even though it's been like a life time since I last saw you I still see the beautiful smile you would have when you walked in the pawnshop(pawnmart) I always thought you would end up married to some celebrity and I have no doubt the if not for you being in this situation you would have. After this happened your sister became the hero and the person who made sure those monsters didn't stay free to hurt anyone else and for that I know you are smiling down on her with pride. SIP beautiful sister it's obvious your memory will like forever



Felix & Felicia

Felicia, looking gorgeous with a friend.

July 11, 1995.( from left to right) Jeannie & Felicia